ERP General Ledger Solution

Puts the financial information you need within reach

In a perfect world, all the information you need would immediately be at your fingertips. Revenue would always hit projections, that “new” report could be run in minutes, and trial balances would always work out. But the reality of the day-to-day is much different. If an expense dramatically rises one quarter, this increase can trigger multiple phone calls, meetings, and some forensic analysis of the books in order to understand what happened.

Multiview’s fully integrated general ledger accounting software module instantly gives you the financial information you need. Get the highest-level view possible, or drill down on every penny. With our General Ledger Solution module, your team can now catch issues and mistakes before the month’s end and close the books in a fraction of the time.

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  • Full audit trail with electronic workflow approvals
    This provides a comprehensive record of all financial transactions and activities within the system, allowing you to track and review each step of the process.

    The General Ledger module's audit trail functionality records every action, including adding, deleting, or editing journal entries, posting transactions, and making changes, in great detail. This involves recording the user who performed each action, the date, the time, and any relevant data connected to it.

    Control and compliance are enhanced via automated process approvals. Before being posted to the general ledger, it allows certain people or departments to examine and approve financial transactions or entries. This process makes sure that all financial actions are properly authorized and validated.

    With a full audit trail with electronic workflow approvals, Multiview ERP enables transparency, accountability, and accuracy in financial processes. The auditing and regulatory compliance processes are made simpler because all the required information is easily accessible and traceable.
  • View performance data from any perspective from a single database.
    Multiview ERP General Ledger Module allows users to analyze and assess financial performance from different viewpoints using a unified database.

    Users can create customized reports using this tool, and they can execute multidimensional financial data analysis. Performance data can be accessed and viewed based on parameters like time, cost, product, or any other relevant criteria.

    Multiview ERP ensures consistency and accuracy in reporting by using a single database for all financial data. Users can quickly compare financial data across several dimensions, giving them insights into particular performance areas of the organization.

    By providing a comprehensive view of performance data from multiple perspectives within a single database, Multiview ERP General Ledger Module empowers users to make informed financial decisions and take actions to improve overall financial performance.
  • Full drill-down functionality with document management
    Multiview ERP General Ledger Module allows users to investigate and analyze financial data in detail by drilling down to the underlying supporting documents and attachments.

    Users now have direct access from the General Ledger module to further details about specific transactions or entries. Users can drill down into the specifics of a transaction or account balance by clicking on it, and they can then access relevant documents like invoices, receipts, purchase orders, or any other supporting records.

    This feature makes sure that every relevant document is stored and organized properly within the ERP system. It does away with the requirement for manual document handling and lowers the chance of data loss or misplacement.

    This feature streamlines the auditing process as well since auditors can access the supporting documents directly from the General Ledger module, eliminating the need for physical document retrieval and manual cross-referencing.
  • Multi-entity data with enterprise security and function management.
    The General Ledger Module provides the capability to manage financial data for multiple entities or business units within a single system while ensuring robust security and function management across the enterprise.

    For businesses with complex organizational structures, including those with multiple locations, subsidiaries, or divisions, this function is very useful. It enables users to keep distinct financial records for each entity while maintaining centralized management while maintaining visibility over financial data 

    Users may effectively manage the financial operations of each entity, including recording transactions, producing financial statements, and evaluating performance, with the use of the multi-entity data feature. The segregation and independent maintenance of each entity's data prevents commingling and guarantees accurate financial reporting for each business unit.

    Due to enterprise security, users are granted access only to the entities and functions relevant to their roles, preventing unauthorized access or manipulation of data and function management capabilities enable administrators to define and manage various financial functions within the General Ledger module.
  • Self-balancing system for intercompany transactions
    Multiview ERP General Ledger module automates and streamlines the handling of intercompany transactions within an organization.

    When various businesses or subsidiaries within the same organization engage in financial activities with one another, this is known as an intercompany transaction. Intercompany transactions involve, for instance, the exchange of commodities, services, money, or assets between organizations.

    Intercompany transactions are correctly reported and automatically balanced inside the General Ledger module thanks to this feature. When a transaction is entered, the system instantly generates matching entries on the books of the sending and receiving entities, guaranteeing that the transaction is accurately reflected in the financial records of each.

    The self-balancing system eliminates the need for manual adjustments or reconciliations to ensure intercompany accounts remain in balance. It simplifies the reconciliation process and reduces the risk of errors or discrepancies.

Multiview’s fully integrated general ledger solution in accounting software module instantly gives you the financial information you need. Get the highest-level view possible, or drill down on every penny. With our General Ledger Solution module, your team can now catch issues and mistakes before the month’s end and close the books in a fraction of the time.

  • “Our former processes required so many steps and had so many controls, and sign-offs in place, month’s end took a couple of weeks. The exports and the general ledger structure in Multiview make it easier. It now takes less than a day to complete our month-end close.”

    Jim Caruso, Director of Finance, South University

  • “I live in the general ledger module. I am reviewing the trial balance analysis and journal transaction inquiries on a daily basis. It’s very easy to navigate and I can drill down and filter on data in any field which enables me to review entries, account balances, and review discrepancies timely.”

    Amanda Buckingham, Controller, Monroe County Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a General Ledger Solution Module?

A General Ledger Solution module is a crucial part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)  financial system that manages and organizes financial data for an organization. It serves as a centralized repository for recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions. The General Ledger solution module keeps account of all financial transactions, including receipts, payments, assets, and liabilities, and it offers a complete picture of a company's financial situation. It makes it easier to comply with accounting rules and to report and analyze financial data.

What Are General Ledger Module Benefits?

The General Ledger solution module offers numerous benefits to organizations. Making informed decisions is made possible by the accurate and current financial information it provides. The recording and processing of financial transactions are automated, which reduces errors and saves time.

Through features like audit trails and automated approvals, the module improves financial control and security. By easing auditing procedures and preserving accurate documentation, it aids with regulatory compliance.

Additionally, the General Ledger solution module improves financial analysis, enabling users to evaluate performance, identify trends, and make strategic financial decisions.

What Challenges Does the General Ledger Solution Module Solve?

The General Ledger solution module addresses several challenges faced by organizations in managing financial data. Automating transaction processing and calculations reduces errors caused by manual data entry and improves data accuracy.

By streamlining financial reporting and analysis, the module saves time and effort on data aggregation and report generation.

By making sure that adequate documentation and financial activity tracking are done, it overcomes the difficulty of maintaining regulatory compliance.

Multiview ERP

Multiview Financials ERP is built to deliver real-time, actionable data to finance departments.

Available as a fully-managed Cloud application, leverage your financial data more effectively and drive your business forward with better, faster insights.