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7 Things to Consider When Selecting a New ERP


As a business leader, choosing the right enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution can be one of the most important decisions you will make for your organization.

Key Considerations When Choosing A New ERP

Here are some key points to consider.

1. Be sure to get a five and 10-year TCO document to gain clarity on what they will be charging once the initial term is complete.

2. Be sure it’s a Fixed Fee Implementation. Vendors will quote low to get the business, then charge more when the project is out of “Hours” but still incomplete.

3. For healthcare clients, be sure to get a BAA signed ahead of the contract. If you wait until after signing a contract, companies will strong-arm you into signing their paperwork for the BAA, with no flexibly around the language.

4. Be sure to get a Non-Production “Mirror” Database that does not expire. It’s necessary for training and upgrades and should be considered a core feature. Also, be sure that you can keep it updated without paying or reaching out to a support team.

5. When researching support packages, be sure to ask about customer satisfaction ratings. Some support packages sound good on paper, but in reality, people aren’t getting their problems solved. Also, be sure to understand who is offering the support, and where the line is between covered support and chargeable consultation.

6. Try to connect with company leadership ahead of signature to get their commitment to your project’s success. If they can’t connect you with key personnel when trying to win your business, that is a clear sign that you won’t have the support of those key personnel if you need them once you’re a client.

7. Not everything you see in a demo translates into actual functionality for your post-go-live. For key features like consolidated reporting, bringing in statistical data from outside sources, bank reconciliations, and inter-company transactions, be sure to speak to references about the actual on-the-ground experience of those features.

Explore the KLAS Research Spotlight, featuring in-depth interviews with a wide range of Multiview clients, focused on their technology report about the Multiview ERP solution.

If you’d like to talk to one of our consultants, please contact us and we’d be more than happy to help.

About Multiview Financial Software

Founded in 1990, Multiview builds powerful financial and operational management applications to companies across a multitude of industries. The organization’s flagship offering, Multiview ERP, is used across client organizations where they benefit from the powerful integrated modules combined with sophisticated real-time reporting. This allows for leaders to easily analyze key financial, statistical, and operational metrics that drive their decision making. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, Multiview maintains sales and support operations throughout North America.

Initiate contact today for details on our cutting-edge security software and financial products. Experience our unique culture through the insights of our CFO, Justin Winchiu.

Discover how Multiview is driven by a passion for finance and service excellence. With 30+ years of experience, we empower clients with scalable solutions, breaking down data silos and automating accounting processes.

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Multiview's ERP provides our clients with a comprehensive software suite that empowers their finance teams to advance their organizations.

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