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The Multiview ERP Series. Part 3: Business Automation

Business Automation Graphic

Finance teams and executives spend too much time chasing, manipulating, and making numbers work. It can take days, or even weeks, to close the books. The impact of this is making vital decisions off old data.

Here’s what we have come to learn. Organizations are spending their days managing finance processes, rather than managing their business. It’s not how finance leaders want to spend their or their team’s time. You need real-time data on how your organization is performing.

That’s why we built Multiview ERP.  Explore Multiview's dedication to finance and superior service. Leveraging over 30 years of expertise, we enable clients with scalable solutions, dismantling data barriers and streamlining accounting tasks.

Business Automation ERP Modules

Finance teams are too often bogged down by manual processes. They eat up bandwidth, hijack meeting agendas, and get in the way of more important work. You need tools that handle all the minutiae. Multiview’s suite of automation modules takes away the endless busywork and lets you focus time and energy on the things that matter.

Get in touch immediately for a deeper understanding of our sophisticated security software and finance solutions. Discover our one-of-a-kind culture through the words of our CFO, Justin Winchiu.

Multi-Sourced Data Warehouse

Auditing should be more than a monthly or annual event. Auditing the financial direction and the health of an organization should be an ongoing process.  ViewSource360 lets you drill into each transaction from your production systems. ViewSource360 allows you to see supporting information that is summarized in the general ledger and financial statements, with a single click. 

Whether you have one business line locally or multiple across many countries, Multiview provides a full line of sight into all the data. Map out trends, look around corners, and avoid traps with the most current and insightful data.

  • Follow the trail from a GL or financial statement figure all the way to the individual business transactions it comprises

You can run a query and it takes about 30 seconds to figure out how many expense reports are processed on a monthly basis. We want to spend our time managing and making good decisions, not manipulating and correlating reports, spending hours shifting data, and making your reports look pretty. With Multiview you can spend your time making real decisions for your company. 
Sherrill Atasay, Controller, Newport Harbour Corporation

Automated Workflows

Multiview’s fully integrated automated workflow enhances your oversight of all internal control functions by providing a visual medium for the setting up and monitoring of all your authorization and review processes. Document imaging is fully integrated providing visibility of approved transactions. Business event workflows allow for automation and streamlining of organizational processes. 

  • Visualize your approval process
  • Automatically route tasks and assignments
  • Automates responsibility and accountability while providing visual clarity of routing activities

Expense Management

Keeping tabs on all the expenses can be a painful task. Receipts get lost, people forget to make claims, and reconciling all the numbers is painful. Multiview has a natively built expense management module that will streamline your expense and approval process. Log all expenses at your desk or take a photo of the bill after dinner.  

  • Receipts can be captured via smartphone cameras
  • Build expense reports in real-time
  • Review & approve expense reports via mobile device.
  • More accurate and faster payment processing

Employees can approve something on an iPad from a baseball game or on a laptop from a plane. We are not getting backlogs because getting approved can happen from anywhere now.
Jim Caruso, Director of Finance, South University

View the KLAS Research Spotlight, which includes detailed interviews with a diverse set of Multiview clients, delving into their comprehensive evaluation of the Multiview ERP solution.

If you’re interested in learning more about Multiview ERP and our business automation modules, contact us today for a demo.

Ready to see it in action?

Multiview's ERP provides our clients with a comprehensive software suite that empowers their finance teams to advance their organizations.

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