Articles Thought Leadership

CFO = Chief Storyteller

CFO as a Storyteller Graphic

michael-johnson-circle-medWhen I was a corporate accountant for a public company earlier in my career, one of my projects was creating a new dashboard to be rolled out to executives across the company (Yes, this was/is a Multiview client!).

It was my first formal presentation to the CFO of that organization. In the room, we also had the broader finance leadership team (Director of Accounting, Financial Reporting, Finance Operations, Controller; you name it

A few minutes into the presentation, the CFO stopped me and said “Hang on, let’s take a step back”.

“We need to keep in mind that it’s our job to tell the story about what’s going on in our business…”

To this day, I agree that it’s the finance team’s job, among many other things, to ensure:

  • You’re telling an accurate story
  • You’re telling a timely story
  • You’re telling a decision-inspiring story
  • You’re shaping the future story

The solutions we build for our clients at Multiview make it easy for all users to be this storyteller.

It’s not only about how you get the numbers, but also how effectively you are able to communicate them.

Tune into the KLAS Research Spotlight, showcasing interviews with numerous Multiview clients for their detailed technology report on the Multiview ERP solution.

Reach out today for more information on our state-of-the-art security software and financial offerings. Discover our distinctive culture through the perspective of our CFO, Justin Winchiu.

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