End Month End Client Case Studies

Newport Restaurant Group: Analyzing Data Much Simpler with Multiview ERP

Multiview and Newport Restaurant Group

Multiview Financials gives Newport Restaurant Group (“NRG”) fast and comprehensive insight into their multiple business units; driving better business decisions.

Calculating financials used to be a struggle for Newport Restaurant Group. Producing reliable numbers took hours of effort and countless spreadsheet tabs. Now, thanks to Multiview, the NHC finance team aren’t just chasing numbers, they’re putting numbers to work for them.

Multiview has allowed NRG, comprised of 16 different business units, to quickly check up on the organization’s financial health and understand what’s impacting it. Expense reports, journal entries and invoices can all be quickly and easily entered. That has saved the company time that can now be put to use where it belongs: making better business decisions.

Why Newport Restaurant Group Chose Multiview ERP

Read below for our interview with Sherrill Atasay, NRG’s Controller.

Experience at Newport Restaurant Group

I started with the Newport Restaurant Group about 5 years ago, as long as I’ve been in Rhode Island. When I was first hired as the controller, the previous controller was still there – so while she was there I was tasked with determining should we stay with our legacy system and I knew a little bit about the environment and I was leaning towards a change.

How did you learn about Multiview?

I got the opportunity to look for different solutions and so I essentially just started using Google. I found a company like a 3rd party company that you put in certain information of what you’re looking for in terms of your software criteria and then it feeds back some different options and Multiview was one of them. I had never heard of Multiview, but for me I like really good software; software that you don’t spend a whole lot of time trying to sort and manipulate data just so you can analyze it.

As I continued my research, with Multiview as one of them as well as a couple other systems, Multiview was the only company that would give us a personalized demonstration. One company told me that they didn’t have time to answer specific questions and it was recommended I simply join the webinar and so that kind of put me off. When we had Multiview come in they did their demonstration but the difference was we were able to ask specific questions related to what we were trying to solve and issues. That was a huge win and we felt, after a couple of demonstrations with myself, our C.F.O. and accounting manager, we felt that Multiview was a good solution.

Before Multiview

Really what we were trying to solve was the outdated system that we were using. We have 14 companies, actually a few more non-operating companies, so inputting data into each company you basically had to log in and out of each company in order to process transactions, which was very time consuming.

Why you chose Multiview

What I liked most about Multiview was that it is one platform. You basically separate data by company and business unit and you can get all of that data out and one reporter query. So analyzing data is much simpler with Multiview

One example that I had shared with somebody recently is somebody had asked me how many expense reports where in the legacy system; how many expense reports do you process in a monthly timeframe? And I couldn’t tell them, I had to have a temp help me and it took 4 hours. With Multiview there’s a simple button that you can click and when you set up employees as a vendor and so you can run a query and it takes about 30 seconds to figure out how many expense reports are processed on a monthly basis.

We want to spend our time managing and making good decisions; we want to be analyzing data, not manipulating and correlating reports or spending hours doing that just so we can understand what we’re looking at.

What would you say to someone if they were considering Multiview?

So what I would say to somebody if they were considering Multiview is seriously it the best system, everybody in my company is in love with Multiview and we don’t want to use anything else. You spend your time analyzing data and not just moving data around and wasting time correlating reports, shifting data and making reports look pretty.

Pretty much if you put it in, anything you put in, you can get out very easily so you can spend your time making real decisions for your company.

Ready to see it in action?

Multiview's ERP provides our clients with a comprehensive software suite that empowers their finance teams to advance their organizations.

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