IMUG 2020: Digital Edition – That’s a Wrap!

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It’s hard to believe another IMUG Conference has come and gone. As you settle back into your routine, we hope you’re able to bring some new ideas and tools back to your organization.

IMUG 2020: Digital Edition was the largest IMUG we’ve ever had. With more than 800 Multiview clients from over 250 organizations, it was amazing to see so many people come together to connect and grow.

Our kick-off session featured several Multiview executives sharing our reimagined client experience, including announcing our (beta) end month end level-based program. We talked about the next version of Multiview Cloud, which will be unveiled at next year’s IMUG. Our prioritized R&D efforts to provide intuitive products that help your organization have better access to information so that you can make more informed and timely decisions.

The break-out sessions covered a wide range of topics, from training on Multiview’s reporting tools to new product features in version 20.0, including OCR integration.

We are extremely grateful for the many special guests that joined us, including:

Bryan Battaglia, Vice President of Finance & Treasurer of one of our longest-standing clients, The Hillman Company, who shared their story of over 30 years partnering with Multiview, and how they adopted an end month end mindset which enabled their organization to do just that.

President of Cerner Community Works, Mitchell Clark, joined us for a fireside chat at our annual Cerner & Multiview partnership session. Mitchell shared some of the many reasons they continue to recommend Multiview to their clients. He also shared his passion for healthcare and his predictions on how AI will transform a lot of what we all do going forward.

Bhushan Sethi, Partner and Leader of PwC, sat down virtually with our CFO, Justin Winchiu, to talk about a survey he co-authored, How Business can Emerge Stronger. The discussion covered many topics, highlighting that organizations that embrace digital initiatives are more optimistic, that planning is the order of the day, and that finance professionals are more important than ever during these challenging times. Bhushan and Justin shared their thoughts on the rise of stakeholder capitalism and how finance professionals can use their skillsets to help organizations manage the business during these changing times.

Having spoken with many of you, I share the sentiment that this Digital Edition of IMUG is certainly not the same as bringing the Multiview community together in person. However, it was a great way for us to connect until the next time we can see each other. We are so grateful that you joined us virtually, and I think it’s another excellent example of the resilience and strength of the Multiview community.

We appreciate you all sharing your time with us and truly hope you’ve taken away something that will help your organization thrive!

From all of us at Multiview, genuinely, thank you for sharing these past few days with us.

Until next time,

Michael Johnson
President & CEO

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