IMUG End Month End

IMUG 2021 – That’s a Wrap!

IMUG 2021 Hero Image

What an inspiring two days. 

On Tuesday we kicked off our second digital IMUG with nearly 1,000 registrants from over 350 organizations, this was by far our largest IMUG to date! 

During our opening keynote session, Multiview’s Vice President of Client Success, Bev Young, announced the formal launch of our End Month EndTM (EME) Program.  The program is designed help all of our clients at various stages in their journeys get to a sub 1-day close and have access to their  KPI’s as often as they need. 

We were also joined by Multiview’s Director of Product, Leah Hostetler, as she shared some of the great new features in version 21 released at IMUG, and what’s next for the Multiview solution.   

Three Multiview clients shared their journeys and how they have transformed their organizations by partnering with Multiview.    

Michelle Glines, VP & CFO of Crosspoint Human Services shared how their organization needed to transform when she took over as CFO. When COVID hit, “Without laser accurate financial information, there’s no way we could have survived that period.  Multiview allowed our Executive Director to make better decisions in real time, otherwise we very likely may have shut the doors.”  Michelle, thank you for inspiring us and sharing your story.  You reminded us to keep things in perspective with this great quote: “…math has so little to do with accounting.” 

Jerry Klinker, executive at Ohio Valley Gas, joined us after attending IMUG 2019 in Denver before they signed with Multiview.  In Denver, Jerry heard Michele Sullenger from The Heinz Endowment share their journey. Jerry told us following that talk that “…in two years, that’s going to be me up there (at opening session).” And here we are two years later, at the opening keynote and with a month end that has been reduced by 40%. Your team also has “more data then your organization knows how to handle.” 

Congratulations on your journey thus far! We are excited to partner with you as we continue on phase 2 and 3 initiatives and thank you for sharing your story with our audience.  We hope too that it inspires other attendees to make a prediction about speaking at future IMUG events just like you did ! 

Our third guest was Janet Carbary, CFO at Integrated Rehabilitation Group.  Over the past few years, it’s clear to us that you and the team at IRG have put a lot of effort into optimizing your processes and technology.  We are honored that after implementing seven other ERP’s throughout your impressive career, Multiview was “the best implementation you’ve ever been through.” (Shoutout to Multiview’s Chris Watson who led the implementation of this project!).   

The advice you shared with the Multiview community on where finance leaders need to go was so relevant.  “We as finance leaders have two choices.  We can be in the back seat looking out the rear view mirror and saying – that was a hell of a pothole we just went through.  Or we can move to the front seat and say there is a pothole coming up and what do we need to do as an organization to either; avoid that pothole or minimize the impact to the organization.”  We are honored that Multiview has helped you to do that. Thank you for inspiring the entire Multiview community! 

Throughout the conference we had many great sessions as part of our End Month EndTM track covering the “how” in product training and also the “why” for some of these solutions.   All of the sessions are available on the conference platform and accessible to clients registered for IMUG 2021 for 30 days following the event.   

This year we hosted three industry panels to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities facing the non-profit industry, healthcare industry and financial services industry.  There were so many powerful ideas discussed and advice shared, we recommend you watch these videos yourself.    

It’s very clear from the many conversations had over IMUG that many of us are still living through the constant new challenges coming from COVID-19, including increasing staffing challenges, and constantly changing regulations being pressed upon organizations that CFO’s, finance leaders and other professionals need to navigate. 

On the second day of IMUG 2021, we kicked things off with a fantastic conversation around risk with our CFO Justin Winchiu & special guest, CEO of Mobsquad, board member & venture capitalist, Irfhan Rawji.  Irfhan, thank you for sharing so candidly some of your experiences with us. Your example that “its okay to run into the burning building if you know where the seven exits are.” is an easy way to think about risk for all our attendees. 

And how could we forget our joint Cerner & Multiview sessions!  Thank you to Whit Zweifel and the Cerner CommunityWorks team for joining us again at IMUG.  We are so proud to serve so many clients together and to continue to innovate alongside your organization as we are in complete agreement with you, “Healthcare is too important to stay the same.” 

To all of our guest speakers, thank you for sharing your time, ideas and advice with us over the past two days.  Your contributions are invaluable and we have heard from so many clients already about how much they appreciated your insights. 

 To all of our clients, we thank you for sharing these past two days with us as we came together to learn, network and grow.  We appreciate your constant feedback. Know that we are determined to always be challenging ourselves to be a better partner for your organizations as we work alongside you to help you stop chasing numbers and empower you to start using them.  

We cannot wait to see you again soon, hopefully in person. 

Until next time, 
Michael Johnson   

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