Articles Healthcare

4 Pain Points for Healthcare Finance Teams to Overcome

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There are a few pain points that we tend to uncover during the sales process with healthcare financial teams. However, with the use of the right technology and proper mindset, these pains can typically be remedied.

ERP Software vs Paper-Based Systems

Many people still want to be dependent on paper, which is not always an age-related or generational challenge. When switching from paper to an ERP system, some people don’t want to change. They don’t trust the system or the computers and don’t like to log in. They’d rather walk to a file drawer and dig through it. So, when you work with people with that mindset, you have to make them comfortable trusting the system and going paperless.

At Multiview, we help people feel comfortable in trusting the technology. We can show a healthcare financial team how to go paperless and attach documentation in our system, and this has been an “aha” moment for many people.

Excel Gymnastics

The second pain point is doing what I call Excel gymnastics. When people download data from their current system, they typically (and unfortunately) have to then move to “Excel gymnastics” to reconcile, create reports and summarize the data.

Having Multiview’s ViewSource 360 data warehouse with everything in one place can save accounting teams time, frustration, errors, and of course, continued Excel gymnastics.

Real-Time Updates

The third pain point is dependent on the second one because they’re doing Excel gymnastics and can’t get real-time updates. Multiview provides data and summaries at the finger tips of the teams who need it, at the time they need it, with minimal effort or manipulation.

Multiple-Licensed Programs

One of the obvious shifts in our work environments this year is that more teams, including accounting, are now working remotely. Unfortunately the organization’s accounting program, for various reasons, doesn’t accommodate this new working environment. We’re seeing many demos for healthcare organizations coming off of other platforms that are limiting their access to remote work.

Multiview can empower organizations with a secure web-based system that will accommodate multiple users in various locations, which has been a tremendous benefit for todays workforce. Multiview does this with multiple licensed programs that allow numerous users into the system simultaneously from a tablet, desktop, laptop, or smartphone device. That’s been a popular request right now.

Are you ready to eliminate these pain points and discover how Multiview’s healthcare-specific ERP can help you manage your finances more efficiently? Get started by booking your demo today!

amber-simon-headshot-circleAmber Simon

Before joining Multiview as a Solutions Engineer, Amber Simon worked for a critical access hospital in Washington State that used Multiview. Amber has an MBA and 13 years of healthcare experience. Before that, she worked for Fortune 100 corporate companies, giving her corporate knowledge and healthcare experience.

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Multiview's ERP provides our clients with a comprehensive software suite that empowers their finance teams to advance their organizations.

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